Quilt guild Challenges
2024 intermountain fair quilt challenge
Create a quilt on a stick
Stick quilts should be no more than 8 inches by 9 inches, have a vertical sleeve on the back that is closed at the top and open at the bottom to slide the paint stick in. Paint stick must be provided by the quilter.
guild u.f.O challenge
Fill in UFO Form with 6 projects stating what stage you are up to now. SEE SAMPLE FORM BELOW
Print the form at the bottom of the page
On the left hand side under “PROJECT” write the name of your project or quilt. Write the month you are doing that particular UFO in the second column.
In the third column write where you are up to now and in the fourth column write what your goal is; for example your goal could be, “I will finish piecing the quilt top together”. See below for an example of how to fill the form. Bring your completed form to the next guild meeting or scan it and send to cdolman@gmail.com.
Note that it doesn’t have to be a completed quilt.
Pay $5 into the UFO pot.
Each month you meet your goal you put your name into the draw which will be at the end of the 6 months at the January meeting . If you complete all your goals you will have your name in the draw 6 times.
If you fail to meet your goal that month you have to pay $5. Which will be added to the prize pot . Honor system applies!
Winner will win 25 % of the pot and the balance will go to the guild or the Grim Ripper.